One thing is for sure: all dogs bark. But in many cases, some dogs make more noise than others do. Some dogs even bark in a way that disturbs the environment. Why do your dogs bark? In some situations, you might identify why they bark. For instance, you can heard them barking when they perceive something threatening. But in some situations, you might not be able to identify why they keep barking all the night. They might want to communicate something, but could possibly fail to understand them.
There are many reasons for the dogs to bark. However, one thing to note is: the dogs bark to communicate what they are feeling. For instance, if they bark at a stranger, they may want to alert you that a stranger is coming to your house. If they bark when you are coming home, they may just want to greet you.
Why do your dogs bark? 3 Common Reasons
However, there might be situations in which the dogs bark excessively. The barking may be annoying when it continues for a long time, particularly in the middle of the night. If you want to know how to train your dog not to bark, the first thing you need to do is identifying the causes. The following are three common types of barking and their possible causes:
Responses To Environment
Keep in mind that dogs always respond to something in their environment. Healthy dogs bark to show their response, but the barking should not last long. For instance, the dogs bark in response to a noisy car, thunder, fireworks, strange animals, and even to the weather. Take threats as an example. When the threat is getting closer, the barking becomes louder.
If the barking is short-lived, there is nothing to worry about it, as it is normal. However, when barking seems to be like a habit and last until the middle of the night, talk to a vet to find out how to stop a dog from barking at night. If you can identify the causes of the barking, you can take the necessary steps to support them. The following are some options:
- If you identify the unusual barking
and the dogs get aggressive, make sure to identify if there is something wrong
around your environment.
- Provide them with a safe place, during the situations, which lead them to bark. For instance, create a safe place that gives them enough protection during the cold nights. Instead of using chain fencing, use solid wood or cover them with an opaque film.
- Consider installing calming aids,
such as Adaptil. They can help keep the dogs calm in fearful situations.
Adaptil works like the pheromone emitted by the mother dogs to their puppies after
birth. Adaptil offers calming effect, as the dogs feel as if they were
protected by the mother dogs.
As explained above, the dogs may also bark because of emotional responses, such as excitement, boredom, or fear. If the dogs are bored, they may bark to attract your attention. Therefore, rather than responding negatively, you had better given them plenty of stimulation. Perhaps, they want to play with you and the barking is the way to show you that they are bored.
On the other hand, when the dogs bark due to happiness, you can usually identify the signs, like tail wags. Sometimes, they just run and jump to you when you arrive at home. Those are commons signs or happiness. What about signs of compulsion or anxiety? The dogs may also feel depressed or anxious in certain situations like separation. In such situations, the dogs can bark just to hear their own voices. Sometimes, they make repetitive movement like running in circles or running along a fence, repetitively.
Physical Responses
The dogs may express physical needs such as thirst or hunger by barking. If you come and bring some foods or drinks and the dogs waits for you enthusiastically, it means they really need it. Therefore, the way on how to train your dog not to bark also includes providing them with everything they need. Make sure the dogs have enough supplies of foods and drinks. Interestingly, the dogs also bark when they need to go out and spend the excess energy. Dogs also need adequate exercise to keep them healthy.
Those are among the most common types of dogs’ barking and what causes them. Again, unless the barking is excessive, there is nothing to worry about it. By identifying the signs in their emotions, moods, and physical needs, it is easier for you to find out how to stop your dog from barking at people or at other dogs. After all, barking is the way dogs communicate with you and your turn is to understand them.
How To Train Your Dog Not To Bark: Common Tips
It takes time, practice, and consistency to get the dogs bark less. However, proper techniques and time will bring you to the desired results. The following are few tips on how to train your dog not to bark:
Speak calmly, don’t shout
Imagine that if shouts at the dogs when the bark. They think that you join them. As a results, the dogs will keep barking. Therefore, if you want to train the dogs not to bark, the first rule is: don’t yell and shout at them. The dogs do not understand even though you shout at them to shut up. What you need to do is telling them about the word “quiet” by using a different method. Instead, speak calmly to the dogs. Try to do the following tips to calm the dog :
- Use a calm, firm voice to say “quiet” to the dogs when they are barking.
- Use body gesture, like holding your fingers to your lips, to teach them to calm down.
- Even thought it takes some time, wait until the dogs stop barking.
- If they calm after some time, praise them by giving them some treats.
- Do not give anything, such as foods, while the dogs are still barking.
At first, the dogs may not realize that you treat them because they shut up after you teach them to do so. But when you do this repeatedly, the dogs will learn to stop barking despite a calm command. In the end, they can calm down under your instruction even though they are barking at something.
Keep them active during the day
It may be annoying to hear the dorks barking all the night. Therefore, one of the simplest ways on how to stop a dog from barking at night is by keeping the dogs active during the day. Tired dogs are quiet. If they bark during the night, tire them out during the day. Similarly, if they keep barking while you are away, train them before you go out. There are many ways to tire the dogs out, including:
- Long walk or run.
- Taking a trip to a park.
- Playing ball or their favorite toys.
- Asking them to run along the fence, repeatedly.
If you want to go out and the dogs frequently bark when being lonely, then leave them out with a couple of food-dispensing toys. They will make the dogs busy for several hours. It is more likely for them to take a nap after busy hours.
Solve the problems as early as possible
When a problem is left unsolved for a long time, it will be more difficult to solve. Similarly, when the problems with your dogs are not solved properly and quickly, barking may become a habit for them. Consequently, it will be more difficult on how to train your dog not to bark at other dogs or other people. Do not let the problems unsolved, thus making the barking a pleasant thing for them.
For instance, when the dogs get aggressive every time a car gets into your environment and you let the situation go for a long time, other problems may follow. What if a dog gets out of the fence when a car arrives at your house? Therefore, if you identify that the dogs always bark anytime a car gets in, then try to solve the problems as soon as possible.
Take another case as instance. If your dogs bark anytime the door opens, make sure to teach them to keep quiet. If you one to know how to train your dog not to bark at strangers, try the following steps:
- Anytime the door opens, train the dogs to go to a different spot. At first, you can pick them to the right spot.
- If the dogs bark, as them to be quiet by using hand gestures.
- Let them to see the doors opening, but not too close.
- Treat and praise them when they can do it right.
- Train them to do so repeatedly.
Have the dogs checked by a vet
Health problems may lead to excessive barking. The problems may vary from bee stings to brain disease. Medical problems are more common in older dogs. Having the pets checked regularly by a vet allows you to identify any medical problems earlier.
How to Stop Your Dog From Barking at Other Dogs
The above part focuses on discussing the answer to the question, “Why do your dogs bark?” The discussion focuses on environmental, emotional, and physical stimulus, which may lead to barking. However, it can be problematic and annoying if the dog barks to another dog. Imagine that anytime you take the dog out for walk and it gets aggressive anytime it sees another dog.
A dog may bark to another dog when it rarely sees other dogs. Some dogs are prone to barrier frustration, namely, frustration that comes when the dogs are constrained by barrier, like wooden fencing. You need some practices on how to stop your dog from barking at other dogs and to ease frustration. The following are some strategies to try:
- Train the dogs by putting them to a place where they can see other dogs, but make sure they are far enough and the dogs does not react;
- Use a leash to make sure that the dogs do not run away, in case that they get aggressive;
- Take them to a place where they can see other dogs under normal setting, like a pet store or a dog park;
- Choose a safe place (neither too close nor too far away), for instance, standing at one corner of the park.
- Give them treats anytime they can keep calm when other dogs pass by. Reduce size of the treats with time.
- If the dogs show promising progresses, you can replace the food treats with verbal praises and petting. You may choose certain phrase that tells the dogs that they should not bark. Make sure that all of the members in your family use the similar phrases or gestures.
- Distract their attention. With time, you will be able to identify the signs that lead to barking, for instance, staring, raising hackles, or growling. Anytime you see one of these signs, distract their attention. Attention-distraction methods may include giving food treats or favorite toys.
- Move them closer. If you are successful to distract their attention, then create a situation in which seeing other dogs is just a normal thing. Move the dogs closer to the other dogs, but not too close. If you see the signs taht it is going to bark, move back. Do this repeatedly. Then, move them one or two steps closer. See how the dog reacts. Do this again and again until the dog is familiar with the existence of other dogs.
As discussed above, it may take time, energy, and commitment on how to train your dog not to bark to other people, other dogs, or at night. Try a strategy and see how it works for your dogs. If one strategy does not seem to work, try another. If you find one that works, do it consistently and make sure that all the family members do the same.
Learn more complete guide how to train your dog not to bark here
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